June 7, 2014

Reviews for Drift

The Kindle version of Drift is out! Also. I haven't linked to the Kirkus review, but they had some nice things to say:

Readers will find watching Hutchins’ unusual magical rules bring about startling consequences for family and political structure utterly fascinating. Totally fresh.

I also haven't mention Sarah Beth Durst's review here, which gets quoted on the cover. I had no idea my published had sent the book to her. Vessel is amazing. It's still surreal that she read my book, let alone said nice things about it.
A fantastic adventure set in a stunning, original world, Drift is the kind of book that draws you in so completely that you'll believe you are living on an island on the back of a turtle, fighting off water spirits, and claiming your own magical treasures. Some of the best worldbuilding I've ever read.

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