October 31, 2022

World Fantasy 2022

This weekend I will be (virtually) at World Fantasy! They are running a hybrid conference this year, and I'm very excited to get to listen to so many great panels. On Saturday, I'll also be on "Cross-Genre Fantasy: A Critical Look at Mixing Genres."

Ana's Asteroid is live! Find it here!

Surviving in space is never simple.

Thirteen-year-old Ana lives on The Platinum Phoenix, a run-down mining colony carved out of a massive asteroid. When the mining robots break, panic follows. Without them, the colony can't extract the ice they depend on for water. The mine shafts were designed for slender robots—adults can't fit through them to make repairs by hand. But Ana can.

To save her colony and her family, Ana suits up and heads deep into the dangerous vacuum of the mines, hoping to make the repairs that will keep everyone she loves alive.